UPDATED: Honest Abe or Smarmy Swindler: Who is the Real Ken Miller?

A Pinocchio costume may be more appropriate

In the nick of time, about a week before absentee ballots are mailed, the Great Falls Tribune today broke shocking allegations of GOP Gubernatorial hopeful Ken Miller‘s corrupt campaign finance practices. View the Office of Political Practices complaint here. According to the Tribune,

Republican gubernatorial hopeful Ken Miller’s former chief fundraiser on Wednesday accused Miller’s campaign of misreporting funds, accepting campaign donations over the statutory contribution limits, accepting anonymous donations, and failing to disclose certain campaign expenditures.

Ken Miller’s utterly laughable response appeared in today’s Billings Gazette:

“We’re obviously viewed as a threat and seen as a front-runner,” Miller said in a telephone interview. “I think for the most part people will see through it.”

Miller, the tea people favorite, bills himself as the honest, Christian conservative.  In fact, his own campaign website humbly mentions,

 It has been whispered that Ken Miller is “too honest for politics”.   Ken Miller is guilty as charged.

In his latest campaign video, Susan Smith, wife of legislator Cary Smith and co-founder of the delightful group “Safe Community, Safe Kids” extols the many virtues of Mr. Miller.  According to Susan, who “knows Ken to be a humble, God-fearing man”, Miller believes in traditional family values and the sanctity of life.  She says “he is a man in whom we can trust”, that he believes in the Constitution and would uphold it.  One supporter mentions how she and her husband met Ken Miller at a parade in which he was donning an Abraham Lincoln costume.  All very interesting.  Watch the campaign video here.

According to Kelly Bishop, who served as his campaign finance director from January until April 14, when she resigned, she found at least $14,000 in campaign contributions that were not reported in Miller’s C-5.  Bishop said she left the position with the Miller campaign after seeing practices within the campaign that made her sick to her stomach. She claims that numerous anonymous donations and credit card transactions were not reported properly, that Miller accepted donations over Montana’s statutory limits and that Miller wasn’t reporting payroll taxes.  This directly affected Bishop’s pay as her salary was commission based on the total fundraising receipts she generated. Bishop said:

“I inquired about it in March, I brought it up to Ken and (his wife) Peggy at the time.  They said it was none of my business and I was not to worry about that part of the campaign.”

Naturally, Miller denies her allegations and throws Bishop under the bus states,

 “My family, campaign staff and I hold no ill will toward Mrs. Bishop, but are saddened by her decision to attack our campaign with frivolous, untruthful accusations. We’ve run an honest campaign and are confident that the (Commissioner) will agree.”

In response, Miller said, “We’ve run an honest campaign and are confident that the COPP (commissioner of political practices) will agree.”

“We kind of got blindsided. Unfortunately, she’s not being truthful.”

These allegations cast serious doubt not only on Miller’s integrity, but on his ability to govern our state.  Even if these discrepancies are proven to be unintentional, how on earth can we trust him as Governor of the state of Montana?  The Miller campaign is usually the first to lob nasty allegations at the other candidates and party insiders have long, borrowing Ken’s word, “whispered” that Miller mismanaged funds as State Chairman of the Republican Party.  Perhaps this is simply political karma.

These allegations will surely come as a disappointment to Miller’s base- the conservative, Christian, constitutional segment of Montanans.   In a crowded (7 way) Republican Gubernatorial campaign, this is likely the end for the Miller campaign.  For the family values conservatives, I would suggest donating to the Corey Stapleton campaign and for the mermaid/insurance/lobbyist/quitter lovers out there, Rick Hill.

Bishop’s sudden departure isn’t the only shake up within the Miller camp, his former campaign manager William Mutch’s tenure with the sinking ship was similarly brief. One can only imagine why Mr Mutch abruptly left the campaign, especially after stating on the campaign website that his entire career had culminated on that moment.  I tend to be especially critical of religious hypocrites, remember Harris Himes? I can only imagine how disheartened Miller’s supporters are right now.   I think it is time Ken Miller finds a new costume for parades, Honest Abe doesn’t seem fitting.  Might I suggest Pinocchio?

7 thoughts on “UPDATED: Honest Abe or Smarmy Swindler: Who is the Real Ken Miller?

  1. I am Ken Miller’s Cascade Co.campaign manager and feel your report is very bias in your conclusion that’s its over.

    • This is a blog. Our writers share their opinions in the posts. Read a few of our posts. You will find they are actually all biased. This blog doesn’t appreciate hypocrisy nor dishonesty. I hope for the sake of your reputation, that the shocking allegations of a gubernatorial candidate’s gross negligence or intentional campaign finance fraud are proven false. I wouldn’t want my name associated with a such a candidate.

    • It’s over. Tell him to drop out now & keep some dignity. It will only get worse for him. You can be ‘high & mighty’, using religion as a shield while breaking MT laws.

  2. Pingback: Political Quick Hits « Montana Cowgirl Blog

  3. Luv it! Methinks that God tol’ kenny that accounting was unimportant. The ONLY thing that matters is faith! If you believe something strongly enough, it’ll happen! Just like a miracle! And you’ll have all the money you need! Kind of a loaves and fishes deal. Or more appropriately, fishy FINANCE deal!

  4. My personal experience: My first meeting with Ken and Peggy. He told me to “Take a hike” when I tried to shake his hand. He was just plain mean. He is very nice to the people he needs and rude to those he doesn’t or thinks are not important, which he thought I was when I decided to run for Congress. I have never had anyone tell me to “take a hike” ever, let a lone in such a horrible tone of voice. And then when he wrote about me in the Gazette with such venom and declared I was NO REPUBLICAN…and only his ilk was….it was clear there was something very wrong with him. I described my experience with his behavior to others in the party and they were surprised so I realized then that he was a master of manipulation. Especialy as ever since then, he has been incredibily and superficially kind to me.


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